Monday, November 11, 2013

Hug Your Love Ones

A Tribute to My Mama dearest

We are nine in the family and each one of us has different characters.  My mom was also surrounded with difficult people.  But how did she deal with us?  With full of love and understanding.  She told me once, that she has also attitude problem but each morning she would ask for God’s forgiveness and the Lord never get tired of her.  She said her prayers at 4:00 in the morning without fail.  In spite of so many adversities in her life, I am honored to learn from the way my mom lived and loved.

Her many sins have been forgiven; hence, she has shown great love.” – Luke 7:47

The passing away of my mom was the lowest point and the most difficult time in my life.  Letting go of the crying, releasing the grief and the healing of loneliness are too easy said than done. 

“Pour out your heart to him, for God is our refuge.” (Psalm 62:8b NLT)

During my mourning, I learned the real meaning of empathy.  I become more prayerful.  In pray for all the departed loves ones and all souls in purgatory.   To  the real persons who wept and comforted me in the most difficult season of my life, I thank you from the bottom of my heart-- I will always be indebted to you.

I would not be like what I am now if not because of my mom.  To you my mama dearest, your memories will always remain in our hearts.

Going to my gardenhouse reminds me of the loss and it triggers the pain.  Most of the times, I find myself both crying and laughing as my house has full of my mom's good memories.   Slowly, I am in the process of going to the path towards healing.  Sharing with you some photos of the last contribution of my mom in my garden house.  Aren’t they lovely?

- Key to overcoming loneliness is to “STOP BUILDING WALLS AND START BUILDING BRIDGES”.
- I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love.                –Mother Theresa.

New collections ...

Other surprises in my garden ...

Thursday, October 17, 2013

I Am In Good Company

I Am In Good Company
(July 2013)

The ups and the downs, and the good and the not so good of life did not spare me for the past couple of months. These feelings maybe based on the weather, how the way people treat me, the body aches, the amount of traffic congestion, or a whole lot of other things. In contrast to that lousy feeling, each week, I schedule either my relatives or friends to accompany me to my weekend gardenhouse in Tagaytay.  Moving forward, I have to make my yesterdays something joyful, to make each day more meaningful and to make tomorrow even better.  When you get in the habit of consciously choosing to have a positive, empowering attitude, you become gloriously free to achieve the things that are most meaningful to you.

The company of my family, relatives and friends really make my day. Cheers to the good life! 

Do you know, why God created gaps between fingers?  So that someone who is special to you, comes and fills those gaps by holding your hands forever.

My mom and Mateo

My ate Enon, mom and Mateo

Ate Sandie and Kuya Bennie

Edna and Ate Violy (wife of Farhan)

Sam, Myrna and Hermie, the last two are my MLQU bestfriends for ever.
My garden buddy, sister Ruth
Tita of Florence Palacio, my officemate friend
Ms. Tammy Huang and Family (Ms. Huang is our EVP)
Team of Ms. Tammy, Eleen Yeh, Gina and colleagues

Peggy my officemate and daughter of Ms. Tammy
Family of Jing and Petty.  I love this family.  Amor Lopez beside me.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


(July 2013)

It’s been a year and four months now since I open this blog.  I was caught unaware of the passing days that I haven’t updated my blog for 7 months now. Time flies so quickly when enjoying life.  I tried to look back then of how and where all those days went.  Instead, I looked at the mirror and saw that age is beginning to show.  How did I get here so fast? All I know is, there are things I wish I hadn't done, things I should have done, and many things I was happy that I had done.

Now, I have glimpses on how to welcome the new chapter of my life. And I have to move quickly, as there are so many better things to do that I have been putting them off; so many good things to share until there will be no more hurts but only more love; and so many hopes that go far beyond anything I could imagine.  The best is yet  to come in this world and in the other world to come.  To start with, I look around.  The first thing I saw is God's beautiful and different creations.  God really likes variety, each one is unique, each one has a beautiful purpose—like you and me, the plants, flowers, trees, dogs, birds, fish, insects …

Enjoy some of the shots I took recently in my garden house. Have you noticed the varieties?
It's Not What You Gather, but What You Scatter, that tells what kind of life you have lived.
"Three things in human life are important: The first is to be kind; The second is to be kind and the third is to be kind.  -Mother Theresa"

Thanks to Florence Palacio for the beautiful photos taken by her during her visit in my gardenhouse.

Florence cousin.  Very nice person.

My children gave me a camera as birthday gift. Below are photos i just took. In spite of being  self supporting plants, still they gave me beautiful products.